ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 Auditors’ fee assessment in individual cases. The auditors were KPMG AG audited the annual and consolidated financial statements of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & also tasked with conducting a limited assurance Co. KGaA and conducted further statutory and engagement on the separate non-financial Group voluntary audits at subsidiaries. The auditors report. For details of the auditors' fees, please see reviewed the interim consolidated financial the notes to the consolidated financial statements. statements and carried out mandatory audits and The disclosures are not made in this report due to reviews as part of the DFL licensing procedure the exemption under § 285 no. 17 HGB for entities pursuant to the DFL licensing regulations. KPMG also preparing consolidated financial statements. provided tax advisory services covering advice and Notifiable shareholdings (under § 160 (1) no. 8 AktG in conjunction with § 33 (1) and (2) WpHG) Of the shareholdings in our Company, the following to 4.99% on 16 February 2021 (4,599,900 voting were notified to us pursuant to § 33 (1) of the German rights or shares) and that all of their voting rights Securities Trading Act (Wertpapierhandelsgesetz, were held directly by PUMA SE in accordance with "WpHG") and published with the following content § 33 WpHG. pursuant to § 40 (1) WpHG in financial year 2020/2021: Mr Ralph Dommermuth notified us on 8 February 2021 that his voting interest in Borussia Dortmund On 26 February 2021, Mr François Henri Joseph GmbH & Co. KGaA amounted to 4.99% on 8 February Pinault and Mr François Jean-Henri Pinault notified 2021 (4,599,000 voting rights/shares) and that all us that their voting rights in Borussia Dortmund GmbH of these voting rights were attributable to him & Co. KGaA amounted to 0.0% as at 16 May 2018 (0 (Mr Ralph Dommermuth) pursuant to § 34 WpHG voting rights or shares); that their notification was via Ralph Dommermuth Beteiligungen GmbH, and submitted due to the discontinuation of the jointly furthermore that the chain of subsidiaries is as attributed controlling position in relation to PUMA SE, follows, beginning with the ultimate controlling as a consequence of which no voting rights stemming person or entity: from shares in Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA - Ralph Dommermuth were attributable to Kering S.A., Artémis S.A. or - Ralph Dommermuth Verwaltungs GmbH Financière Pinault S.C.A. - Ralph Dommermuth GmbH & Co. KG PUMA SE, Herzogenaurach, Germany, notified us Beteiligungsgesellschaft on 17 February 2021, that its share of voting rights - Ralph Dommermuth Beteiligungen GmbH with a in Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA amounted voting interest of 4.99% Shareholdings by members of governing bodies As at 30 June 2021, one member of management Members of management and the Supervisory Board held 7,045 no-par value shares in the Company. As hold a total of 8,609,054 no-par-value shares, which at the same date, the members of the Supervisory corresponds to more than 1% of the shares issued Board held a total of 8,602,009 no-par value shares. by Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA. Expected dividend In light of the fact that the Company reports a net loss to propose to the Annual General Meeting any dividend for the financial year, the management does not intend distribution for financial year 2020/2021. 107

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