BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund from running courses (either national or Other operating income decreased by EUR 1,771 international) for months. A further reason for the thousand year on year to EUR 7,327 thousand. As decline in income was the fact that this year's DFL in the previous year, this included primarily income Super Cup was held in Munich. Moreover, unlike from provisions, insurance reimbursements, in the previous year, no (four-part) documentary unclaimed refunds and a reimbursement for series about Borussia Dortmund was marketed granting contractual marketing rights. Other in the past financial year. operating income includes prior-period income in the amount of EUR 1,898 thousand (previous year: The release fees for national team players declined EUR 5,382 thousand). by EUR 443 thousand from EUR 2,711 thousand in the previous year to EUR 2,268 thousand. DEVELOPMENT OF SIGNIFICANT OPERATING EXPENSES Personnel expenses above the figure as at 30 June 2020 and included In financial year 2020/2021, personnel expenses write-downs of EUR 1,591 thousand. amounted to EUR 205,604 thousand (previous year: EUR 203,523 thousand). During the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June Personnel expenses for the professional squad 2021, intangible fixed assets – which consist increased by 1.07% year on year. The base salary primarily of Borussia Dortmund's player rose by EUR 2,472 thousand. Performance-based registrations – were amortised in the amount of bonuses amounted to EUR 28,742 thousand EUR 98,017 thousand (previous year: EUR 93,093 (previous year: EUR 29,363 thousand) and comprised thousand). annual bonuses and performance-based bonuses for winning the DFB Cup, for finishing third place in Furthermore, EUR 1,591 thousand in write-downs the Bundesliga with 64 points, for reaching the of intangible fixed assets to their fair values were quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League and recognised (previous year: EUR 1,930 thousand). for qualifying directly for the group stage of the 2021/2022 UEFA Champions League. Depreciation and write-downs of tangible fixed assets remained roughly level at EUR 10,529 In the reporting period, personnel expenses related (previous year: EUR 10,524 thousand). to the retail and administration areas increased by EUR 976 thousand year on year to EUR 19,279 Other operating expenses thousand. Other operating expenses decreased by EUR Personnel expenses in relation to amateur and 101,811 thousand or approximately 52.62% across youth football amounted to EUR 11,398 thousand all items of other operating expenses, from EUR during the current 2020/2021 financial year 193,474 thousand in the previous year to EUR (previous year: EUR 12,144 thousand). 91,663 thousand in the reporting period. Depreciation, amortisation and The largest decrease under this item was seen in write-downs transfer deals, which fell by EUR 70,493 thousand Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs to EUR 9,565 thousand. By contrast to the previous amounted to EUR 110,137 thousand during the year, during which transfer deals resulted in the reporting period. This was EUR 4,590 thousand carrying amounts for the players Maximilian Philipp, 58

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