BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund The minimum lease payments relate mostly to lease payment obligations under existing agreements agreements for offices and various motor vehicles. with conditions precedent were reported as at 30 The purchase commitments relate primarily to the June 2021, of which EUR 18,400 thousand acquisition of intangible assets. (previous year: EUR 26,604 thousand) were due in In addition, a total of EUR 33,846 thousand less than one year. (previous year: EUR 41,186 thousand) in variable (35) Events after the end of the reporting period Transfer deals Match operations Borussia Dortmund has reached an agreement with On 4 December 2020, the DFB Executive Committee the top English club, Manchester United, regarding adopted the new fixture calendar for the 2021/2022 the transfer of player Jadon Sancho. As part of this season. This stipulated that Bundesliga matches agreement, Borussia Dortmund will receive a fixed would start on the weekend of 13 to 15 August 2021. transfer fee of EUR 85.0 million, which is expected The 34th and final Bundesliga match day is to have a positive effect of around EUR 56.0 million scheduled for 14 May 2022. on the key earnings figures (EBITDA, EBIT) for the The DFB Cup will start with the first round one week 2021/2022 financial year. before the Bundesliga from 6 August 2021. The DFL Super Cup between Borussia Dortmund and Borussia Dortmund has now reached an agreement Bayern Munich will be played on 17 August 2021. with the French club, Olympique Marseille, on the The dates for the UEFA Champions League have also permanent transfer of Leonardo Balerdi, who had already been set: the first match day of the group already spent the 2020/2021 season on loan there. stage will be played on 14/15 September 2021. Capital expenditure Borussia Dortmund has signed Dutch international Donyell Malen from PSV Eindhoven. The 22-year-old signed a contract with the German Cup winners that runs until 30 June 2026. (36) Average number of salaried employees 2020/2021 2019/2020 Total 806 902 of which in the Athletics Department 233 273 of which trainees 8 15 of which other 565 614 220

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