BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund (15) Prepaid expenses and deferred income Prepaid expenses EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Non-current Deferred income related to professional squad 867 4,569 Insurance premiums 0 2 Other advance payments 1,227 1,147 2,094 5,718 Current Deferred income related to professional squad 8,722 6,560 Insurance premiums 538 604 Other advance payments 3,448 2,737 12,708 9,901 * V* Veränderung der Veränderung der Vorjahrorjahresposespostten. Ven. Vererglgleiche auch Konzernanhang, Korreiche auch Konzernanhang, Korrektur gemäß IAS 8.ektur gemäß IAS 8. Deferred income EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Non-current Advance payments received from sponsors 0 230 0 230 Current Advance payments received from ticket sales 22 2 Advance payments received from sponsors 4,447 2,931 Other advance payments 618 708 5,087 3,641 Current deferred income as reported amounted to In addition, because of the continuing COVID-19 EUR 5,087 thousand (previous year: EUR 3,641 pandemic, the services under sponsorship thousand), and consisted primarily of proceeds from agreements not rendered in the 2019/2020 and sponsoring agreements relating to the 2021/2022 2020/2021 seasons (EUR 2,259 thousand) were season, which are reversed rateably over the reported under current deferred income. This is periods to which they relate. transferred to subsequent seasons as compensation. 206

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