CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 The table below provides a reconciliation of the revenue, profit or loss before taxes, assets, liabilities and other key items for each segment: RECONCILIATIONof the segments to the statement of financial position and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income Consolidated Total Other adjustments financial statements EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 2020/2021 2019/2020 2020/2021 2019/2020 Total revenue 359,811 495,220 -25,640 -125,024 334,171 370,196 of which match operations 554 32,510 0 0 554 32,510 of which advertising 106,609 98,038 -32 -33 106,577 98,005 of which TV marketing 186,655 169,836 0 0 186,655 169,836 of which transfer deals 23,148 123,732 -23,148 -123,732 0 0 of which merchandising 33,395 34,706 -755 -1,414 32,640 33,292 of which conference, catering, miscellaneous 9,450 36,398 -1,705 155 7,745 36,553 Total revenue 359,811 495,220 -25,640 -125,024 334,171 370,196 of which external 355,523 485,985 -21,352 -115,789 334,171 370,196 of which internal 4,288 9,235 -4,288 -9,235 0 0 Financial result -267 1,911 -792 -5,356 -1,059 -3,445 Share of profit from equity investments 0 0 81 -1 81 -1 of which profit transfer 1,007 4,669 -1,007 -4,669 0 0 of which loss absorption -748 0 748 0 0 0 Net interest income/expense -526 -2,758 -614 -686 -1,140 -3,444 of which interest expense -647 -2,938 -780 -793 -1,427 -3,731 of which interest income 121 180 166 107 287 287 Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs -110,875 -107,028 -168 898 -111,043 -106,130 Segment profit before taxes * -77,004 -49,675 3,852 3,092 -73,152 -46,583 Capital expenditure 91,669 160,864 59 -1,923 91,728 158,941 Segment assets ** 476,472 540,183 -25,953 -22,216 450,519 517,967 Segment liabilities 207,564 194,796 10,318 17,724 217,882 212,520 Investments accounted for using the equity method 96 96 306 225 402 321 Income from investments in associates 0 0 81 -1 81 -1 * Before profit or loss transfer. ** KGaA segment includes EUR 9,456 thousand (previous year: EUR 19,645 thousand) in assets held for sale. 195

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