BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund The elements of financing falling due in the short Significant decisions subject term are subject to continuous monitoring on the to judgement and estimates basis of the relevant corporate planning. Please The preparation of consolidated financial statements refer to Note 30 for disclosures on the maturities in accordance with IFRSs requires management to of contractual cash flows. make significant decisions subject to judgement and estimates and assumptions concerning the The COVID-19 crisis has led to greater focus being application of financial accounting methods and the placed on liquidity planning and management. The assets, liabilities, income and expenses recognised financial and liquidity planning apparatus that has in those statements. Actual results may deviate from been in place for many years considers a variety of these estimates. planning scenarios and different premises, and is Estimates and the underlying assumptions are regularly adjusted to account for current conditions. reviewed on an ongoing basis. Revisions of Weekly target/actual comparisons enable Borussia accounting estimates are recognised in the period Dortmund to devise and implement suitable liquidity in which the estimates were revised as well as in all management measures if necessary. The temporary subsequent periods concerned. salary waiver by the management, the players, the Information about significant decisions subject to coaching staff and senior executives, as well as the judgment made while applying accounting methods reduction of the repair and maintenance budget and that materially impact the amounts recognised in the reduction of capital expenditures have had a the consolidated financial statements are disclosed positive effect on the Company's liquidity situation. in the notes to the consolidated financial statements below. Credit risk This section on accounting policies includes detailed The Group conducts business exclusively with third disclosures about property, plant and equipment. parties of high credit standing. Concentrations of Notes 2 and 12 include detailed disclosures on credit risk can arise in the context of a player transfer finance leases. and from long-term sponsorship agreements. Such Disclosures on deferred taxes are included, inter alia, concentrations of risk are monitored in the course in Note 24 and the section on accounting policies. of the Group's operating activities. The maximum credit risk in the event of counterparty default is equal to the carrying amount of these instruments. Please refer to Note 26. 192

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