BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund The income tax expense was made up as follows: EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 Income taxes Current period -60 -40 Prior period 402 -9 Deferred tax benefit/expense in connection with the creation or reversal of temporary differences -1,271 -2,545 Tax loss carryforwards not yet utilised 1,271 5,224 342 2,630 At the end of the reporting period, the Group had The expected income tax expense which would corporation tax loss carry-forwards amounting to theoretically result from applying the weighted EUR 118,937 thousand (previous year: EUR 44,270 average tax rate of 32.81% (previous year: 32.81%) thousand) and trade tax loss carry-forwards can be reconciled with the actual income tax benefit amounting to EUR 100,069 thousand (previous reported in the consolidated statement of year: EUR 29,492 thousand) for which no deferred comprehensive income as follows: tax assets have been recognised. The tax loss carry- forwards have an unlimited carry-forward period. EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 Consolidated net profit before income taxes -73,152 -46,583 Theoretical tax rate in % 32.81 32.81 Expected tax benefit from income taxes 24,001 15,284 Effects from tax additions and subtractions 988 1,240 Change in ability to utilise tax loss carry-forwards -24,989 -16,564 Change in deferred taxes 0 2,679 Prior-year taxes 402 -9 Other tax effects -60 0 Tax income as reported in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income 342 2,630 Actual tax rate in % -0.47 -5.64 (25) Consolidated statement of cash flows Cash and cash equivalents reported in the statement amounted to EUR -62,022 thousand (previous year: of financial position amounted to EUR 1,725 EUR -50,769 thousand). thousand (previous year: EUR 3,317 thousand). In Net cash flows from investing activities included addition, liabilities to banks amounting to EUR 56,900 transfer proceeds, netted directly against payments thousand (previous year: EUR 8,031 thousand) were linked to transfers amounting to EUR 5,071 thousand reported during the period under review. (previous year: EUR 8,955 thousand). Cash flows from operating activities amounted to The changes in financial liabilities reported under EUR 15,947 thousand (previous year: EUR -362 cash flows from financing activities were as follows: thousand) and cash flows from investing activities 210

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