CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 process that together significantly contribute to the The amendments did not have any material impact ability to create outputs. Furthermore, the definition on the consolidated financial statements of Borussia of outputs is narrowed by focusing on goods and Dortmund. services provided to customers and by removing the reference to an ability to reduce costs. The new Amendments to IFRS 16 – Covid-19- provisions furthermore include an optional Related Rent Concessions concentration test that permits a simplified IFRS 16 contains provisions relating to the assessment of whether an acquired set of activities presentation of changes in lease payments (including and assets is not a business. rent concessions) by the lessee. The lessee must The amendments did not have any material impact generally assess for each lease whether the rent on the consolidated financial statements of Borussia concessions granted constitute a modification of the Dortmund. lease and must remeasure the lease liability resulting from any such modifications. Amendment to IFRS 9, IAS 39 and The Amendment to IFRS 16 offers a practical IFRS 7 – Interest Rate Benchmark expedient in the event rent concessions are utilised. Reform This is subject to certain requirements and available These amendments were issued to address existing for a limited time. The expedient permits lessees to uncertainties in connection with the IBOR reform. account for rent concessions granted in connection Under the present hedge accounting rules, the with the COVID-19 pandemic not as lease upcoming changes in benchmark rates would in modifications but rather as though there had been many instances result in the termination of hedges. no modification to the lease. Now it is possible to continue existing hedge Borussia Dortmund has made use of the option accounting relationships for a transitional period. To enshrined in "Amendment to IFRS 16 – that end, the amendments provide for specific Covid-19-Related Rent Concessions" to not present mandatory exceptions to previous hedge accounting rent concessions granted in connection with rules, such as rules pertaining to the assessment of COVID-19 as a modification. The applied option the "highly probable" criterion in the context of relates solely to three properties leased by BVB expected transactions as part of cash flow hedges. Merchandising GmbH. In total, changes in rent The amendments did not have any material impact payments recognised through profit or loss on the consolidated financial statements of Borussia amounted to EUR 66 thousand. These were Dortmund. recognised under other operating income. Amendments to IAS 1 and IAS 8 – Amendments to IFRS 4 – Extension of Definition of Material the Temporary Exemption from The amendments create a uniform and more Applying IFRS 9 ("deferral of IFRS 9") consistent definition of materiality of information The Amendments to IFRS 4 are intended to address presented in financial statements in the IFRSs and the temporary accounting issues caused by the provide accompanying examples. In that difference in the dates of application of IFRS 9 connection, the definitions set out in the Conceptual Financial Instruments and the future IFRS 17 Framework, IAS 1, IAS 8 and IFRS Practice Insurance Contracts. In particular the temporary Statement 2 "Making Materiality Judgements" have exemption from IFRS 9 is extended until 2023 in order been aligned. to align the date of application of IFRS 9 with that of 181 181

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