ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 Liabilities The maturities and security granted in respect of liabilities reported at 30 June 2021 are shown in the following overview: of which with a residual term of Total less than 1 1 – 5 more than EUR '000 30/06/2021 1 year years 5 years Liabilities to banks 58,792 58,792 0 0 Trade payables 97,864 61,894 35,970 0 Liabilities to affiliated companies 7,367 7,367 0 0 Other liabilities 17,113 17,113 0 0 of which from taxes EUR 6,898 thousand (previous year: EUR 9,870 thousand) of which social security EUR 38 thousand (previous year: EUR 35 thousand) 181,136 145,166 35,970 0 of which with a residual term of Total less than 1 1 – 5 more than EUR '000 30/06/2020 1 year years 5 years Liabilities to banks 8,031 8,031 0 0 Trade payables 135,122 65,495 69,627 0 Liabilities to affiliated companies 4,719 4,719 0 0 Other liabilities 24,675 24,675 0 0 of which from taxes EUR 9,870 thousand (previous year: EUR 7,973 thousand) of which social security EUR 35 thousand (previous year: EUR 36 thousand) 172,547 102,920 69,627 0 Liabilities to banks of EUR 58,792 thousand were residual term of more than one year amounted to reported at the balance sheet date. The full EUR 35,970 thousand (previous year: EUR 69,627 potential overdraft facility is secured against thousand). sponsorship income of EUR 18,465 thousand as Other liabilities consisted mainly of the residual well as a EUR 60,000 thousand registered land credits for prepayments on season tickets for the charge in relation to the stadium. 2019/2020 season, wage and value added tax not As at 30 June 2021, trade payables amounted to yet due and staff-related liabilities not yet due. EUR 97,864 thousand, of which EUR 87,683 They also include liabilities to the general partner thousand (previous year: EUR 120,287 thousand) amounting to EUR 2,132 thousand (previous year: related to transfer deals. Trade payables with a EUR 1,937 thousand). 99

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