BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund OPPORTUNITIES By once again directly qualifying for the UEFA sporting management offers Borussia Dortmund Champions League, the club again has the a solid basis for planning and gives those in opportunity to consolidate its standing as one of positions of responsibility the opportunity to keep Europe's top teams and to once more share in the building on the strong and trusting relationships profits distributed for participating in the lucrative they already enjoy and to unlock the potential for competition. improvement that is there to see. Borussia Dortmund's approach to its squad is one The team coalesced and found its strength in the of continuity, but it also has an eye to creating new final third of the 2020/2021 season and delivered momentum and structures in its personnel consistent and solid performances to qualify for the choices. In December 2020, Borussia Dortmund UEFA Champions League and win the DFB Cup. The parted ways with Lucien Favre, its head coach of team has truly enormous potential, and the two-and-a-half years. His erstwhile assistant challenge now is to tap into this over the entire coach Edin Terzic then led the team to victory in season. By signing Gregor Kobel, Borussia Dortmund the DFB Cup and qualification for the UEFA has gained a communicative and vocal goalkeeper Champions League. From the 2021/2022 season, who never failed to put in a strong performance in Marco Rose from Bundesliga rivals Borussia the past Bundesliga season, whether in goal, in the Mönchengladbach will take over as the new head penalty box or in passing play. He will further coach at Borussia Dortmund. Marco Rose is a team stabilise the team's defence. The healthy mix of grit, player, and the club wants him to guide Borussia leadership and young ambition in the squad as well Dortmund back to playing its trademark modern, as consistency in its management is expected to help attacking and up-front style of football. the team unlock its full potential and achieve the Edin Terzic has extended his contract through to greatest possible success on the pitch. 30 June 2025 and will be filling the newly created position of technical director. Going forward, he Borussia Dortmund has an excellent team, a fact will play a permanent part in planning the roster, that is not lost on other top European clubs. win over promising players for Borussia Accordingly, there is always the possibility of Dortmund, act as a go-between for the Youth lucrative transfers. Academy, support players on loan, and report directly to the sporting management, Michael Zorc Borussia Dortmund sees further potential in its and Sebastian Kehl. Borussia Dortmund looks youth setup, where it lays the foundation for its forward to the momentum this will create. sporting success. To this end, the club added new The contract with head of the professional squad offices for the sports management team at the Sebastian Kehl was extended early until 30 June Brackel training ground. This investment will help 2025. He will take over from Michael Zorc as to further consolidate all the areas under the sporting director from 1 July 2022. Borussia direction of the Sports department. Borussia Dortmund also extended the contract with its youth Dortmund hopes the direct proximity to the academy coordinator Lars Ricken early until 30 training ground will help it work with greater June 2025. This long-term focus at level of efficiency and purpose and further optimise its 164

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