CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 (9) Equity The Company's subscribed capital amounts to EUR sales are permitted, among other purposes, for the 92,000 thousand and is divided into 92,000,000 no-par sale of shares in the form of printed physical share value shares, each representing a notional share in certificates which are freely transferable and the share capital of EUR 1.00, less the notional value tradable. In such cases, shareholders' subscription of treasury shares of EUR 19 thousand. Equity rights are excluded in accordance with ยง 71 (1) No. contains a presentation of treasury shares in which 8 AktG. In the period between the date of admission the nominal amount of the treasury shares is of the Company's shares to trading (31 October deducted from equity under subscribed capital on the 2000) and the end of the reporting period (30 June face of the balance sheet. Furthermore, a reserve for 2021), the Company acquired a total of 34,000 treasury shares in the same amount is also presented. no-par value shares and sold 15,100 no-par value shares off-market in the form of printed physical Pursuant to a resolution by the Annual General share certificates. The gain on disposal has been Meeting on 16 November 2004, the Company was reported separately under other operating income. authorised to acquire own shares amounting to 10% At the balance sheet date, the Company's holding of of the share capital on or before 30 April 2006. The its own securities consisted of 18,900 no-par value Company was also authorised to sell its treasury shares; no shares were disposed of during the shares either on or off the stock market. Off-market reporting period. Subscribed capital The subscribed capital of Borussia Dortmund equal rights. The shares are fully paid-up; the GmbH & Co. KGaA is divided into no-par value number of shares issued and the number of shares shares with a notional share in the share capital outstanding changed as follows: of EUR 1.00 per share, with each share bearing Treasury In Number of shares Issued shares circulation Balance as at 1 July 2019 92,000,000 -18,900 91,981,100 Change in treasury shares 0 as at 30 June 2020 92,000,000 -18,900 91,981,100 Change in treasury shares 0 as at 30 June 2021 92,000,000 -18,900 91,981,100 By virtue of a resolution by the Annual General to increase the share capital by a maximum of Meeting on 19 November 2020, the Company EUR 18,400,000.00 in total by issuing new no- was authorised until 18 November 2025, subject par value ordinary bearer shares against cash to the renewed consent of the Supervisory Board, contributions on one occasion. 203

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