GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT Other operating expenses Financial result Other operating expenses decreased by EUR 33,250 The financial result for financial year 2020/2021 thousand from EUR 119,010 thousand in the amounted to EUR -1,059 thousand (previous year: previous year to EUR 85,760 thousand in the EUR -3,445 thousand) and breaks down as follows: reporting period. The investment income amounted to EUR 81 Expenses from match operations decreased by EUR thousand (previous year: EUR -1 thousand). 10,255 thousand to EUR 36,956 thousand (previous year: EUR 47,211 thousand). This was due mainly Interest income amounted to EUR 287 thousand to lower catering and match day expenses, as only (previous year: EUR 287 thousand) and related three home matches were played for the 2020/2021 primarily to compounding and restatements season, with severely restricted stadium capacity. relating to subsequent measurement in accordance with IFRS 9. Advertising expenses decreased by EUR 16,281 thousand. Despite the increase in advertising income, Interest expenses amounted to EUR 1,427 thousand the newly signed agency licensing agreement with (previous year: EUR 3,731 thousand) and comprised the marketing firm SPORTFIVE Germany GmbH mainly financing charges of EUR 559 thousand and made it possible to significantly reduce the agency EUR 772 thousand in restatements connected with commission payable. remeasurements in accordance with IFRS 16. Transfer expenses declined by EUR 450 thousand to EUR 4,204 thousand. These expenses primarily Tax expense include loan and training compensation. Administrative expenses decreased during the EUR 342 thousand in tax income (previous year: tax financial year ended by EUR 2,545 thousand to EUR income of EUR 2,630 thousand) was reported under 22,807 thousand. A slight increase in IT expenses was taxes on income in the financial year. This related offset by significantly lower travel, representation and primarily to trade tax reimbursements received. In event expenses. the previous year, this item included gains on the recognition of unutilised loss carryforwards. Other expenses decreased by EUR 3,742 thousand to EUR 4,599 thousand. This reduction was caused mainly by lower allowances on receivables and lower losses on disposals of fixed assets as well as lower expenses for office supplies. 147 147

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