CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 (5) Trade and other financial receivables Trade and other financial receivables amounted thousand to trade receivables (previous year: to EUR 40,328 thousand (previous year: EUR EUR47,204 thousand). 49,200 thousand) of which EUR 2,737 thousand Trade receivables included EUR 22,187 thousand in (previous year: EUR 1,996 thousand) related to transfer receivables (previous year: EUR 33,204 other financial receivables and EUR 37,591 thousand). Non-current EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Trade receivables 10,392 12,680 Non-current trade receivables are discounted using amortised cost. Please refer to Note 31 for the effective interest method and measured at information on the fair values of financial assets. Current EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Trade receivables 28,381 38,506 Less allowances -1,182 -3,982 Net trade receivables 27,199 34,524 Other financial receivables 2,737 1,996 29,936 36,520 Current trade receivables and other assets do not three months. Please refer to Note 31 for bear interest and mostly have a maturity of up to information on the fair values of financial assets. 201

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