GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT Nevertheless, a season without interruptions and the season. All subsequent home matches had to be timely payments by partners in line with their played behind closed doors due to the pandemic. contracts are essential for ensuring the amount and This had a massive impact on the earnings potential timing of the distribution payouts. of match operations. The COVID-19 pandemic is also affecting marketing As one season draws to a close it is customary for income in UEFA club competitions. In order to limit season tickets go on sale for the next season, but as the financial impact of losses caused by the pandemic in the previous year this had to be put on hold due on the clubs participating in UEFA club competitions to the continuing uncertainties surrounding stadium in the 2019/2020 season, UEFA has decided to capacity in 2021/2022 in the wake of COVID-19. compensate for the income shortfall by cutting future payouts to participating clubs over five seasons (from the 2019/2020 to the 2023/2024 season). Other For the 2024/2025 season, the UEFA Champions In December 2020, Borussia Dortmund parted ways League will follow a new format. A total of 36 teams with head coach Lucien Favre after two and a half will compete in a single league, signalling a years. His assistant coach Edin Terzic took over as departure from the current format's 32-team group interim head coach until the end of the season. He stage. This will likely further boost the international was assisted by Sebastian Geppert, who until then TV marketing income generated from competing in had coached the U17 squad, and Otto Addo, who the UEFA Champions League. coaches BVB's top talents. From the 2021/2022 season onwards, Marco Rose Match oper ations from Bundesliga rivals Borussia Mönchengladbach Due to the functional health and safety protocol, will take over as new head coach at Borussia there were no interruptions to the past 2020/2021 Dortmund, while Edin Terzic has extended his season. contract through to 30 June 2025 and will be assuming the newly created role of technical In contrast to the original regulation, under which director. spectators were excluded from matches until 31 October 2020, Borussia Dortmund was able to Borussia Dortmund remains committed to continuity welcome back a limited number of spectators for its among its sporting management and extended the home matches against Borussia Mönchengladbach, contract with its head of the professional squad FC Schalke 04 and SC Freiburg at the beginning of Sebastian Kehl early until 30 June 2025. Sebastian 3rdmatch day UCL 7th match day 4 November 2020 7 November 2020 FC Brügge - BVB 0:3 BVB - Bayern München 2:3 125

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