BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund three preceding financial years, the general partner Moreover, the Supervisory Board proposes ratifying has chosen to prepare a separate non-financial the actions of the general partner, Borussia Group report pursuant to § 315b (3) HGB that is not Dortmund Geschäftsführungs-GmbH, for the part of the Group management report, and to make 2020/2021 financial year. this permanently available on the Company's website. The Supervisory board engaged KPMG to Corporate governance provide limited assurance over the separate Group The Supervisory Board and the management of the non-financial statement. KPMG issued a limited general partner also dealt with issues of corporate assurance report based on this engagement. This governance during the reporting period. means that, based on the work it performed and the evidence it obtained, nothing had come to The members of the Supervisory Board were and KPMG's attention that caused it to believe that the are provided with appropriate assistance upon separate non-financial Group report for the period taking up their positions and when participating from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 had not been in further or continuing education. For instance, prepared, in all material respects, in accordance the Company organised a continuing education with § 315b and § 315c, in conjunction with § 289c course for the Supervisory Board during the to §289e HGB. The separate non-financial Group reporting period on the accounting particularities report and the review report prepared by KPMG of publicly traded football companies. All members were presented to the Supervisory Board. After of the Supervisory Board were also given access discussing the topic at its meeting convened to to inspect the Company's athletic, training and approve the financial statements on 20 September other facilities and match operations in line with 2021, the Supervisory Board concurred with the pandemic-related rules and regulations. Since findings of KPMG's limited assurance engagement September 2020, all members of the Supervisory and raised no objections to the separate Board have been provided with a trade journal non-financial Group report based on the findings (including online content) for educational of its own review. purposes. The Supervisory Board proposes to the Annual The current Declaration of Conformity was adopted General Meeting that the annual financial statements at the same time as the resolution on this report and as at 30 June 2021 be adopted. In the annual financial relates to the German Corporate Governance Code in statements (separate financial statements) prepared the version dated 16 December 2019, which was in accordance with German commercial law (HGB) published in the Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) on as at 30 June 2021, the Company reported a net loss 20 March 2020. The full declaration is permanently for the year of EUR 76,478,856.69 and net available online at, under accumulated losses of EUR 126,141,140.59. This "Corporate Governance". Additional disclosures and earnings situation means that the general partner explanations in this regard are made in the corporate and the Supervisory Board are not able to make a governance declaration, including on the Supervisory proposal to the Annual General Meeting on the Board's self-assessment of its tasks and work that it appropriation of net profit, or to recommend that it conducted in the reporting year. resolve to distribute a dividend. Anlage 1.4 / 12 41009653-1376911 12

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