INTRODUCTORY REMARKS Dear Shareholders, The pandemic continues to pervade all aspects of situation was impressive. Separated as we often our daily lives, and it is also taking its toll on are by remote working, we have nevertheless all professional football. The past financial year was closed ranks to overcome the crisis. marked by empty terraces and an eerie silence. It was not just Borussia Dortmund's earnings that Even though COVID-19 continues to dominate suffered – a net loss was bad enough –, there was the world around us, we are very confident that also a palpable yearning for emotion, passion real progress will soon be made in getting things and togetherness. back to normal. The key remains to vaccinate people against this virus, and we are convinced Our players thrive on the passion of their that a high vaccination rate will pave the way supporters like no other, and it is precisely these back to normal life. By setting up the vaccination exceptional circumstances that make us so proud centre at our stadium, we are gladly doing what of them. We had to find other ways to make up for we can to ensure hassle-free access to vaccines. the unique atmosphere at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK For that reason, I would like to close with this that has lifted us to many a victory. With that in message: Get yourselves vaccinated – every mind we are pleased to have once more qualified full vaccination is a step towards overcoming for the UEFA Champions League and delighted to this pandemic. have won the DFB Cup in such convincing fashion. We look forward to enjoying football in its purest I would also like to thank the team behind the form again as soon as we can – full of emotion, team. The way we came together to deal with this full of real love and together in the stadium! Hans-Joachim Watzke Thomas Treß Carsten Cramer Managing Director (Chairman) Managing Director Managing Director

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