CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORTING Our Company stands for more than "just" football The Notes to the financial statements and the and takes its corporate social responsibility into management report contain disclosures on the account. A first, voluntary sustainability report remuneration of the general partner and the covered the 2016/2017 financial year, i.e. the period members of the Supervisory Board, and the Annual from 1 July 2016 to 30 June 2017, and was based Report contains disclosures on the ownership of on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards Company shares by the general partner and (Core option). The sustainability reports for members of its management and by the members subsequent financial years (i.e., from the 2017/2018 of the Supervisory Board. Due to the specific financial year onwards) also contain a separate characteristics of the KGaA legal form, there is non-financial Group report in accordance with § currently no obligation to disclose the remuneration 315b (3) HGB, and many of the aspects it covers and of individual Managing Directors of the general disclosures it contains also relate to compliance and partner of the Company, Borussia Dortmund risk management. The sustainability reports are Geschäftsführungs-GmbH, as would normally be published online at under the case for the members of the executive boards "Corporate Governance"/"Sustainability Report". of listed German stock corporations. Nonetheless, as referred to above we have presented the Moreover, we publish analysts' recommendations and remuneration of individual Managing Directors in research studies on our website, the notes to the annual and consolidated financial under "BVB Share"/"Capital Market View", in order to statements on a voluntary basis. facilitate communication with market participants. Customers, fans and the public alike can also find additional information on the Company – including e.g. CVs and overviews of the key duties of Supervisory Board members as well as further information on the managing directors of the general partner – at A considerable number of publications on our website have been and will continue to be made available in English. 41009653-1376911 Anlage 1.4 / 27 27

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