ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 day expenses, as only three home matches were Other operating expenses decreased by EUR 101,811 thousand or approximately 52.62% across played for the 2020/2021 season, with severely all items of other operating expenses, from EUR restricted stadium capacity. 193,474 thousand in the previous year to EUR 91,663 thousand in the reporting period. Advertising expenses decreased by EUR 15,826 thousand. Despite the increase in advertising The largest decrease under this item was seen in income, the newly signed agency licensing transfer deals, which fell by EUR 70,493 thousand agreement with the marketing firm SPORTFIVE to EUR 9,565 thousand. By contrast to the previous Germany GmbH made it possible to significantly year, during which transfer deals resulted in the reduce the agency commission payable. carrying amounts for the players Maximilian Philipp, Abdou Diallo, Alexander Isak, Julian Weigl, Administrative expenses decreased during the Paco Alcácer, Jacob Bruun Larsen and Sebastian financial year ended by EUR 2,279 thousand to Rode being derecognised, the only carrying EUR 22,815 thousand. A slight increase in IT amounts derecognised this financial year were for expenses was offset by significantly lower travel, the players Ömer Toprak and Dženis Burnić as well representation and event expenses. as for the former trainer Lucien Favre. This item also includes sales-related costs for departures Other expenses decreased by EUR 4,106 thousand and other (subsequent) variable transfer to EUR 4,816 thousand. This reduction was caused compensation. mainly by lower allowances on receivables and lower losses on disposals of fixed assets as well as Expenses from match operations decreased by EUR lower expenses for office supplies. 8,576 thousand to EUR 41,405 thousand (previous The share of prior-period expenses in other year: EUR 49,981 thousand). This was due mainly operating expenses amounted to EUR 604 thousand to lower catering expenses as well as lower match (previous year: EUR 651 thousand). Financial result The financial result for financial year 2020/2021 year: EUR 4,669 thousand). These include the amounted to EUR -262 thousand (previous year: results of BVB Merchandising GmbH, BVB Event & EUR 1,915 thousand) and breaks down as follows: Catering GmbH, BVB Stadionmanagement Income and expenses from profit and loss transfer GmbH, besttravel dortmund GmbH and BVB agreements totalled EUR 259 thousand (previous Fußballakademie GmbH. Income from profit and loss transfer agreements Net profit/loss Net profit/loss 01/07/2020 to 30/06/2021 01/07/2019 to 30/06/2020 EUR '000 BVB Stadionmanagement GmbH 42 64 besttravel dortmund GmbH 100 566 BVB Merchandising GmbH -748 2,458 BVB Event & Catering GmbH 725 1,581 BVB Fußballakademie GmbH 140 - Total 259 4,669 103

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