BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund In the reporting period, miscellaneous income, which as well as this year’s DFL Super Cup in Munich. In includes rental and lease income and BVB TV, the previous year, a four-part documentary series decreased by EUR 7,190 thousand to EUR 4,097 about Borussia Dortmund had also been marketed. thousand. This was due primarily to the spin-off of The release fees for national team players decreased BVB Fußballakademie GmbH as at 1 October 2020 by EUR 443 thousand to EUR 2,268 thousand. Other operating income Other operating income decreased by EUR 1,771 In the previous year, this item had included income thousand year on year to EUR 7,327 thousand. from the reversal of provisions, insurance During the current financial year, this consisted reimbursements and from the waiver of mainly of insurance reimbursements, income reimbursement claims as well as to reversals of from the reversal of provisions and income from write-downs. the reimbursement for granting contractual The share of prior-period income in other operating marketing rights. income amounted to EUR 1,898 thousand (previous year: EUR 5,382 thousand). Personnel expenses In financial year 2020/2021, personnel expenses amounted to EUR 205,604 thousand (previous year: EUR203,523 thousand). EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 Match operations 146,185 143,713 Retail and Administration 19,279 18,303 Amateur and youth football 11,398 12,144 176,862 174,160 Furthermore, the professional squad received Bundesliga with 64 points, winning the DFB Cup, performance-based bonuses of EUR 28,742 reaching the quarter-final of the UEFA Champions thousand in financial year 2020/2021 (previous League, thereby automatically qualifying for the year: EUR 29,363 thousand). This was due to the group stage of the competition in the coming team finishing in third-place finish in the 2021/2022 season. Other operating expenses EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 Match operations 41,405 49,981 Advertising 11,366 27,192 Transfer deals 9,565 80,058 Retail 1,696 2,227 Administration 22,815 25,094 Other 4,816 8,922 91,663 193,474 102

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