MANAGEMENT REPORT ANALYSIS OF LIQUIDITY As at 30 June 2021, Borussia Dortmund held EUR 120,000 thousand in overdraft facilities, some unrestricted cash funds of EUR 3,466 thousand. of which had been drawn down as at the balance Borussia Dortmund also had access to an additional sheet date. Cash flows from operating activities amounted to EUR 40,769 thousand and are calculated as follows: EUR '000 2020/2021 2019/2020 Net income/net loss for the period -76,479 -49,662 Depreciation, amortisation and write-downs/reversals of write-downs of fixed assets 110,137 103,915 Non-cash expenses and income 4,156 65,665 Increase/decrease in provisions 2,049 -5,141 Interest expense 642 2,934 Interest income -121 -180 Income taxes -342 50 Loss on disposal of fixed assets 0 106 Decrease in inventories, trade receivables and other assets not attributable to investing or financing activities 12,769 5,687 Increase/decrease in trade payables and other liabilities not attributable to investing or financing activities -11,848 -12,025 Interest paid -602 0 Income taxes received 408 305 Cash flows from operating activities 40,769 111,654 NET ASSETS Borussia Dortmund's total assets decreased from Prepaid expenses declined by EUR 813 thousand to EUR 518,768 thousand to EUR 453,745 thousand. EUR 14,696 thousand, which was due mainly to lower Fixed assets declined by EUR 52,563 thousand. prepaid personnel expenses. Trade receivables and other financial receivables decreased by EUR 11,977 thousand to EUR 36,613 thousand. 63

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