BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund Prepaid expenses remained virtually level, declining Liabilities increased by a total of EUR 8,589 thousand by a mere EUR 813 thousand to EUR 14,696 to EUR 181,136 thousand (previous year: EUR thousand (previous year: EUR 15,509 thousand). 172,547 thousand). Share capital remained level at EUR 92,000 thousand Trade payables declined by EUR 37,258 thousand to as at 30 June 2021. EUR 97,864 thousand (previous year: EUR 135,122 Taking into account net income for the year, Borussia thousand), due primarily to transfer liabilities settled Dortmund's equity amounted to EUR 257,858 in the financial year. However, liabilities to affiliated thousand as at 30 June 2021. This corresponds to companies amounted to EUR 7,367 thousand, up an equity ratio of 56.83% (previous year: 64.45%). EUR 2,648 thousand on the previous year's figure of EUR 4,719 thousand. By contrast, other liabilities Provisions increased by a total of EUR 2,115 decreased by EUR 7,562 thousand to EUR 17,113 thousand to EUR 10,301 thousand (previous year: thousand. Liabilities to banks of EUR 58,792 EUR 8,186 thousand). This increase was attributable thousand were reported at the balance sheet date. in its entirety to the growth in other provisions, which in turn was due primarily to higher staff-related Deferred income remained virtually level at provisions. No provisions for litigation and liability EUR4,450 (previous year: EUR 3,698 thousand). risks relating to legal proceedings were recognised as at 30 June 2021. Tax provisions remained level at EUR 36 thousand. ANALYSIS OF CAPITAL EXPENDITURE In the past financial year, Borussia Dortmund expanded over several phases until 2022. This invested EUR 58,738 thousand in intangible fixed involved acquiring further adjacent land and assets. The entirety of this amount was invested in opening a new fitness area. Other steps are the player base. currently being implemented. Cash payments for tangible fixed assets during the Secondly, Borussia Dortmund is currently same period amounted to EUR 2,918 thousand and designing its new fan and youth centre which will primarily include investments in the Brackel be located on the Strobelallee. The centre will offer training ground in connection with the project to a variety of programmes intended above all to expand BVB's training centre. improve communication with the fans and to establish it as a type of community centre for fans. The focus of future investments will firstly continue There are also plans to further develop and expand to be on the project to expand BVB's training centre. the infrastructure and the areas in and around The training ground and the youth academy will be SIGNAL IDUNA PARK. 62

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