BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund REPORT ON EXPECTED DEVELOPMENTS EXPECTED DEVELOPMENT OF THE COMPANY Borussia Dortmund finished the 2020/2021 season As reigning DFB Cup champions, Borussia Dortmund in third place with 64 points, qualifying directly for the will face FC Bayern Munich in this year's DFL Super lucrative group stage of the UEFA Champions League Cup at SIGNAL IDUNA PARK on 17 August 2021. in the coming season. Borussia Dortmund has thus qualified for an international cup competition for the twelfth time in a row since the 2010/2011 season. EXPECTED GENERAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT The expected general economic environment is basic prerequisite for spectators to return. This dominated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The will take into account infection rates, which must strains of the coronavirus already rampant, in not exceed 35 cases per 100,000 residents. At particular the delta variant, are hindering efforts anything above this, a maximum of 5,000 to overcome the pandemic. Despite low infection spectators will be permitted. Those who have not rates, progress in vaccinating the population and been vaccinated or have not recovered from decisions to roll back restrictions, the pandemic COVID-19 must show a negative test result. In remains ever-present in Germany and around the addition, the health and safety protocols and social world. Professional football has been heavily distancing will remain in place. impacted too, and must continue to play its part to Even if these new rules are an improvement on overcome the crisis. the previous season, the partial return of fans to the terraces is closely linked to low infection rates. DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH has published its Thus, although higher income is expected than in fixture calendar for the 2021/2022 season. The new the previous year, it will still be a lot lower and Bundesliga season will begin in mid-August 2021, plagued by far more uncertainties than before the and Borussia Dortmund will make its début at home pandemic. to Eintracht Frankfurt. Commercially successful professional football Income from match operations are directly tied to operations are no longer limited to just regional or allowing spectators to visit SIGNAL IDUNA PARK. national levels. The team's success in these At the beginning of July 2021, Germany's federal competitions is very much a focus in all plans. states decided to permit a partial return of fans to Qualifying for the group stage of the UEFA stadiums in time for the new season. The Champions League continues to place Borussia resolution, which is initially in force until 11 Dortmund in a better financial position. Playing and September 2021, permits stadiums to operate at delivering positive performances in the competition maximum 50% capacity, with the total number of not only generates income, it can also widen the spectators initially capped at 25,000. Approval club's media and brand coverage, which promotes from the competent authorities is required as a the club's interaction with existing fans and 166

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