GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT encourages others to begin following Borussia attractive and increasingly popular way to reach Dortmund. The club intends to promote these their customers worldwide. effects with a progressive internationalisation Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the strategy that is regularly tailored to current trends. ensuing economic declines, professional football, In light of this, Borussia Dortmund aims to further particularly in Germany, has not lost any of its allure. expand and professionalise its digital presence. Borussia Dortmund also maintains close and Borussia Dortmund thereby responds to social longstanding partnerships with its sponsors. trends and to a large degree leverages the Borussia Dortmund remains just as appealing as attractiveness of the Borussia Dortmund brand. ever. As such, Borussia Dortmund will also operate The growing international awareness of the brand in a demanding market and competitive environment that this gives rise to allows the club to tap foreign in the coming season. markets. This includes the 2021 Virtual Summer Tour, with Borussia Dortmund making virtual stops Particular focus will be placed on income from TV in nine countries across three continents between marketing in connection with the expected general 10 and 18 July 2021 to bring the club even closer economic environment. to and connect with its international fan communities and partners and give all fans (not DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH has informed the just) from the nine participating countries the clubs of the first and second Bundesliga divisions chance to immerse themselves in the world of about the expected distribution volume for the Borussia Dortmund. 2021/2022 season. The announced disbursements of the TV funds will allow for a good degree of Since the 2020/2021 season, Borussia Dortmund planning. However, these plans may change at any has had two different kit sponsors. The team time due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The wears kits bearing the logo of Evonik Industries amount and timing of the disbursements depends AG in all international club competitions, friendlies in particular on partners making due contractual staged abroad and DFB Cup matches, while payments and the 2021/2022 season being seen 1&1 Telecommunication SE is the kit sponsor through to a trouble-free conclusion. for Bundesliga matches. This one-of-a-kind sponsorship model was developed as part of the Despite the massive impact of the COVID-19 internationalisation strategy and promises further pandemic, DFL Deutsche Fußball Liga GmbH sold revenue potential going forward, since it allows the German media rights for the 2021/2022 to the club and its respective partners to target 2024/2025 seasons for an average of specific markets. approximately EUR 1.1 billion per year, with the In the 2021/2022 season, Borussia Dortmund once individual disbursements increasing from season again marketed its virtual advertising boards. to season. This corresponds to total income of SIGNAL IDUNA PARK's advertising boards can be EUR 4.4 billion, exceeding the billion-euro mark digitally overlaid in the broadcast signal to target once more and continuing the high revenue level the respective TV audiences when broadcasting seen in previous years. Sky Germany secured the matches abroad. For Borussia Dortmund's rights to all live broadcasts on Saturdays, while international partners in particular, this is an DAZN will broadcast matches on Fridays and 167

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