MANAGEMENT REPORT thousand. This included EUR 1,591 thousand in attributable to trade receivables, which decreased write-downs. There were no reversals of write-downs. by EUR 12,823 thousand to EUR 32,740 thousand (previous year: EUR 45,563 thousand) due mainly Current assets amounted to EUR 40,146 thousand, to lower transfer receivables and lower receivables down EUR 11,647 thousand from the figure as at from advertising partners. 30 June 2020. This decline was primarily BALANCE SHEET of Borussia Dortmund GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 EQUITY AND LIABILITIES EUR '000 Shareholding % EUR '000 Shareholding % A. EQUITY I. Subscribed capital 92,000 20.3 92,000 17.7 less nominal value of treasury shares -19 0.0 -19 0.0 Issued capital 91,981 20.3 91,981 17.7 II. Capital reserves 144,337 31.8 144,337 27.8 III. Revenue reserves 1. Reserve for treasury shares 19 0.0 19 0.0 2. Other revenue reserves 147,662 32.5 147,662 28.5 147,681 32.5 147,681 28.5 IV. Net income/net loss for the year -126,141 -27.8 -49,662 -9.6 257,858 56.8 334,337 64.4 B. PROVISIONS 1. Provisions for taxes 36 0.0 36 0.0 2. Other provisions 10,265 2.3 8,150 1.6 10,301 2.3 8,186 1.6 C. LIABILITIES 1. Liabilities to banks 58,792 12.9 8,031 1.5 2. Trade payables 97,864 21.6 135,122 26.0 3. Liabilities to affiliated companies 7,367 1.6 4,719 0.9 4. Other liabilities 17,113 3.8 24,675 4.8 of which from taxes: EUR 6,898 thousand (previous year: EUR 9,870 thousand) of which in relation to social security: EUR 38 thousand (previous year: EUR 35 thousand) 181,136 39.9 172,547 33.2 D. DEFERRED INCOME 4,450 1.0 3,698 0.8 453,745 100.0 518,768 100.0 61

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