REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD 2020/2021 Annual and Consolidated The Supervisory Board concurred with the auditors' Financial Statements findings and, subsequent to its own review work, did The annual financial statements for Borussia not raise any objections. At its meeting on 20 Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA and the consolidated September 2021, the Supervisory Board approved financial statements as at 30 June 2021 and the the annual financial statements of Borussia management report for the Company and the Group Dortmund GmbH & Co. KGaA as at 30 June 2021 as management report (each of which comprising the well as the consolidated financial statements as at explanatory report on disclosures made pursuant to 30 June 2021. § 289a (1) and § 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (Handelsgesetzbuch, "HGB") in the version Moreover, the Supervisory Board performed its own pursuant to Article 83 (1) sentence 2 of the review of the report on relationships with affiliated Introductory Act to the German Commercial Code companies (dependent company report) for the (Einführungsgesetz zum Handelsgesetzbuch, "EGHGB")) 2020/2021 financial year prepared by the general were prepared and submitted in due time by the partner pursuant to § 312 AktG. The dependent management and were audited, along with the company report was also audited by the auditor, who bookkeeping system by the auditor, KPMG AG issued the following opinion: Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Dortmund ("KPMG"), in accordance with the statutory provisions, and were "Having conducted a proper audit and assessment, each issued an unqualified audit opinion. With respect we hereby confirm that to the risk early warning system, the auditor found 1. the factual information in the report is correct that the management had taken the appropriate 2. the consideration paid by or to the Company in measures as required under § 91 (2) AktG, particularly connection with the legal transactions listed in with respect to establishing a monitoring system the report was not inappropriately high." suited towards identifying risks early on which may jeopardise the Company as a going concern. The auditor's report on the audit of the dependent company report had also been submitted to the The annual and consolidated financial statements, Supervisory Board. These documents were the management report for the Company and the discussed and reviewed by the Supervisory Board Group management report containing the risk report at the aforementioned meeting, with the auditor and and the corresponding audit reports were submitted the management in attendance. Upon concluding to all members of the Supervisory Board in due time. its review, the Supervisory Board did not raise any These documents were discussed in detail, explained objections to the declaration by the general partner and reviewed by the Supervisory Board at a meeting at the conclusion of the dependent company report. on 20 September 2021, with the management and The Supervisory Board noted with approval the the auditors and representatives attending. At that findings of the audit of the dependent company meeting, the auditors reported on and discussed the report by the auditor. key findings of their audit, including those relating to the accounting-related internal control and risk The Borussia Dortmund Group is also required to management system. The auditor and the prepare a separate report on the non-financial management responded to questions raised by the aspects of its activities for the 2020/2021 financial Supervisory Board. year. In line with the statutory options and as in the 41009653-1376911 Anlage 1.4 / 11 11

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