BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund relevant law. All issues are deliberated and all and deliberations formed a basis for this function. resolutions are passed by the full Supervisory Board; The Supervisory Board considers the management the Supervisory Board did not form any committees of the Company to be in compliance with the law and in the reporting year. in proper order, it deems the internal control system, risk management system and internal audit system During the reporting period, the Supervisory Board to be effective, and attests to the Company's received regular, timely and comprehensive oral corporate organisation and economic viability. and written reports from the management within Reports and consultations concerned in particular the meaning of § 90 of the German Stock athletic performance in the 2020/2021 season, the Corporation Act (Aktiengesetz, "AktG"). These reports expected reforms in connection with the German Act focused on the development of the business, the to Strengthen Financial Market Integrity Company's and the Group's liquidity, earnings and (Finanzmarktintegritätsstärkungsgesetz, "FISG") and financial position, corporate planning (specifically, the management's intended stipulations regarding financial, investment and personnel planning), the the proportion of women at the two management risk position and risk management within the levels below the general partner. Company and the Group as well as strategic issues, with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic In the reporting period, the Supervisory Board also addressed as a specific focus in each case. adopted resolutions on commissioning an external Moreover, the Supervisory Board received written assurance engagement on the Company's separate reports in the intervals between its meetings. non-financial Group report for financial year These reports and the subsequent discussion and 2020/2021 (§ 111 (2) sentence 4 in conjunction with verification thereof also dealt with the interim § 278 (3) AktG). financial reports (i.e., the half-yearly financial report and quarterly financial reports). Moreover, In addition, during the reporting year, the the Chairman of the Supervisory Board was in Supervisory Board reviewed the accounting and regular contact with the management outside of financial reporting, stipulation of the target meetings; he was kept regularly apprised of proportion of women on the Supervisory Board and current developments in the business and major preparations for the Annual General Meeting in the business transactions and advised on strategic and previous year, specifically its proposals for budgetary issues as well as the Company's resolutions and nominations for election for this business development, risk position, risk Annual General Meeting and its approval of the management (including with respect to the general partner's decision to hold the 2020 Annual COVID-19 pandemic) and compliance issues. The General Meeting in virtual form. Part of this review management fulfilled its duty to keep the involved ascertaining the independence of the Supervisory Board informed in a complete, auditor, taking into consideration the additional continuous and timely manner. services rendered by it, prior to resolving to propose it for election. The Supervisory Board's activities The Supervisory Board advised and monitored the also covered the terms of engagement and the fee general partner and its managing directors on the agreement, the audit focal points and engaging the management of the Company. The reports of the auditor elected by the previous year's Annual management and the Supervisory Board's enquiries General Meeting. Anlage 1.4 / 10 41009653-1376911 10

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