BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund The performance of the individual sales items is due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Against this described in the following: backdrop, match-day advertising could not be compensated for fully and practically no advertising Income from match operations was shown in hospitality. Income from match operations decreased by EUR 31,956 thousand to EUR 554 thousand in financial The increase was due primarily to the new year 2020/2021. agreements with the two primary sponsors Evonik Industries AG and 1&1 Telecommunication SE as Income from match operations for domestic well as with the equipment supplier Puma SE that competitions declined by EUR 19,875 thousand to were entered into on 1 July 2020. The holder of the EUR 544 thousand. stadium's naming rights, SIGNAL IDUNA, the sleeve While the 2019/2020 season had seen twelve home sponsor, Opel Automobile GmbH, and the ten matches played to almost sell-out crowds at Champion Partners continue to contribute greatly SIGNAL IDUNA PARK, during the 2020/2021 season to income from advertising. Borussia Dortmund the national and regional restrictions put in place also added another sponsor for its youth in response to COVID-19 meant fewer spectators programmes: adesso SE. were permitted in stadiums, and then only for the first Bundesliga fixtures. Of the 17 Bundesliga home Furthermore, advertising income includes bonuses matches hosted by Borussia Dortmund, only three for the third-place Bundesliga finish, which directly (against Borussia Mönchengladbach, SC Freiburg qualified the team for the group stage of the UEFA and FC Schalke 04) were open to spectators, who Champions League in the 2021/2022 season, for were limited in number. reaching the quarter-finals of the UEFA Champions League in financial year 2020/2021, for competing The income from domestic and international cup in the DFL Super Cup at the beginning of the past competitions decreased by EUR 10,648 thousand, and season, and for reaching the final and winning the all of these matches were held behind closed doors. DFB Cup. Borussia Dortmund generated income of EUR 9 Income from TV marketing thousand from friendlies and proceeds generated In financial year 2020/2021, income from TV by the club's other teams in financial year marketing once again represented the highest share 2020/2021 (previous year: EUR 1,442 thousand). of sales (57.70%) and increased by EUR 16,819 Unlike in previous years, the pandemic prevented thousand year on year to EUR 186,655 thousand. the squad from travelling to Asia or the United TV marketing income from both domestic and States for preseason tours. international cup competitions rose. The income from TV broadcasts of Bundesliga matches Income from advertising remained virtually unchanged. In the financial year ended, Borussia Dortmund increased its advertising income by 8.74% to EUR Income from domestic TV marketing amounted to 106,609 thousand (previous year: EUR 98,038 EUR 97,826 thousand, up EUR 139 thousand thousand), representing a 32.96% share of total sales. against the prior-year reporting period. Only 89.83% of the increase in distribution Advertising income increased despite the announced prior to the pandemic actually restrictions on hospitality services and match day materialised at the end of the financial year. The advertising due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Borussia payouts for the 2020/2021 season were made on Dortmund hosted 24 home matches in the season the assumption that match operations would ended, of which 21 were played behind closed doors continue uninterrupted in 2020/2021, the season 56

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