GROUP MANAGEMENT REPORT ANALYSIS OF LIQUIDITY As at 30 June 2021, Borussia Dortmund held drawn down as at the end of the reporting period. unrestricted cash funds of EUR 1,725 thousand. Borussia Dortmund also had access to an Cash flows from operating activities amounted to additional EUR 120,000 thousand in overdraft EUR 15,947 thousand (previous year: EUR -362 facilities, of which EUR 56,900 thousand had been thousand). NET ASSETS Borussia Dortmund's total assets decreased from Trade receivables and other financial receivables EUR 517,967 thousand to EUR 450,519 thousand. decreased by EUR 8,872 thousand to EUR 40,328 Fixed assets declined by EUR 45,740 thousand to thousand. EUR 377,317 thousand. Prepaid expenses decreased by EUR 817 thousand to EUR 14,802 thousand. OVERALL ASSESSMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION AND PERFORMANCE AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Borussia Dortmund ended the 2020/2021 financial The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continued to year with a net loss for the year of EUR 72,810 weigh heavily on profitability and ultimately thousand. earnings in the 2020/2021 season. The effects of the pandemic are particularly clear in match Taking into account the net loss for the year, the operations and conference, catering and equity ratio is calculated at 51.64%. As at 30 June miscellaneous. The transfer business has also 2021, Borussia Dortmund held unrestricted cash taken a major hit. Given this, business development funds of EUR 1,725 thousand. At the end of the during financial year 2020/2021 was less than reporting period, Borussia Dortmund had access satisfactory. to an additional EUR 120,000 thousand in overdraft facilities, some of which had been drawn down. 151

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