BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund Current assets Current assets are made up as follows: EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Inventories 67 46 Trade receivables 32,740 45,563 Receivables from affiliated companies 1,570 1,511 Other assets 2,303 1,516 Cash-in-hand, bank balances 3,466 3,157 40,146 51,793 Inventories represent the material value of decorative Trade receivables with a term of more than one year shares in the form of printed physical share amounted to EUR 8,857 thousand (previous year: EUR certificates. 12,093 thousand). The other assets mainly include insurance Trade receivables includes transfer receivables reimbursement claims. amounting to EUR 18,584 thousand (previous year: No bank balances have been pledged as security EUR 32,631 thousand). for loans. Prepaid expenses Prepaid expenses amounted to EUR 14,696 resulting from contract extensions amounting to thousand (previous year: EUR 15,509 thousand) and EUR 9,879 thousand and services amounting to EUR consisted primarily of prepaid personnel expenses 4,285 thousand. Equity EUR '000 30/06/2021 30/06/2020 Issued capital 91,981 91,981 Capital reserves 144,337 144,337 Revenue reserves 147,681 147,681 Net accumulated losses -126,141 -49,662 257,858 334,337 The Company's subscribed capital amounts to EUR Pursuant to a resolution by the Annual General 92,000 thousand and is divided into 92,000,000 no-par Meeting on 16 November 2004, the Company was value shares, each representing a notional share in authorised to acquire own shares amounting to 10% the share capital of EUR 1.00, less the notional value of the share capital on or before 30 April 2006. The of treasury shares of EUR 19 thousand. Equity Company was also authorised to sell its treasury contains a presentation of treasury shares in which shares either on or off the stock market. Off-market the nominal amount of the treasury shares is sales are permitted, among other purposes, for the deducted from equity under subscribed capital on the sale of shares in the form of printed physical share face of the balance sheet. Furthermore, a reserve for certificates which are freely transferable and treasury shares in the same amount is also presented. tradable. In such cases, shareholders' subscription 96

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