ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS for the financial year from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021 rights are excluded in accordance with § 71 (1) No.8 reported separately under other operating income. AktG. In the period between the date of admission At the balance sheet date, the Company's holding of the Company's shares to trading (31 October of its own securities consisted of 18,900 no-par 2000) and the end of the reporting period (30 June value shares; no shares were disposed of during 2021), the Company acquired a total of 34,000 the reporting period. no-par value shares and sold 15,100 no-par value shares off-market in the form of printed physical Further disclosures required in accordance with share certificates. The gain on disposal has been §160 AktG are given in the following overview: Transactions in Total own/ Total Share in own/treasury treasury share capital share capital Selling price shares shares EUR in % EUR 07/2020 – 12/2020 0 0.00 As at 31/12/2020 18,900 18,900.00 0.021 01/2021 – 06/2021 0 0.00 As at 30/06/2021 18,900 18,900.00 0.021 By virtue of a resolution by the Annual General increase the share capital by a maximum of Meeting on 19 November 2020, the Company was EUR18,400,000.00 in total by issuing new no-par authorised until 18 November 2025, subject to the value ordinary bearer shares against cash renewed consent of the Supervisory Board, to contributions on one occasion. 97

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