REPORT OF THE SUPERVISORY BOARD The Supervisory Board unequivocally supports the constituting meeting on 19 November 2020 management's decision, taken in close consultation following the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Due with all of Borussia Dortmund's governing bodies, to the COVID-19 pandemic, of these in total five to reject the plans to create a "Super League" and meetings, two were "virtual" meetings (video and instead, as resolved by the European Club conference calls), one was a "hybrid" meeting (i.e., Association (ECA), to implement the planned some participants attended in person while others reform of the UEFA Champions League beginning participated via video/conference calls) and two in the 2024/2025 season. Borussia Dortmund meetings were purely in-person meetings (due to shared exactly the same stance as all German the virtual Annual General Meeting). Attendance clubs in the ECA, and an overwhelming majority of at the meetings was as follows in the reporting the club's fans, members and shareholders period: supported the decision. - Ms Silke Seidel, Mr Bernd Geske, Mr Ulrich Leitermann, Mr Bodo Löttgen, Dr Reinhold There is no denying the fact that match operations Lunow and Mr Bjørn Gulden attended all five must return to normal and spectators must be meetings (100% attendance rate in each case). allowed back into stadiums in the medium term if - Before stepping down from the Supervisory the Company is to fully return to its business Board on 19 November 2020, Mr Peer model. The pandemic will continue to affect the Steinbrück attended both of the meetings that 2021/2022 season as well. The more spectators had been held prior to that date (100% we can safely welcome back to SIGNAL IDUNA attendance rate). PARK, and the faster we can do so, the sooner we - Mr Christian Kullmann attended four meetings can shed the shackles of the pandemic. This will and sent his apologies for one (80% attendance no doubt require great effort. However, due to the rate). sufficient level of consolidated equity available and - Following her election to the Supervisory Board the Company's long-term focus, Borussia on 19 November 2020, Ms Judith Dommermuth Dortmund is able to shoulder the losses sustained attended two of the meetings following the in financial year 2020/2021. constituting meeting (66.6% attendance rate). - Mr Gerd Pieper attended three meetings and Supervisory Board activity, meetings sent his apologies for two (60% attendance rate). In the 2020/2021 financial year, the Supervisory Board closely monitored the status and Furthermore, two resolutions were also circulated development of the Company and the Group, in and adopted in writing. The resolution on 6 July 2020 particular also in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. concerned the increase in the Company's overdraft It exercised all of the rights and duties incumbent facility, while the resolution on 13 November 2020 upon it by virtue of the law and the Articles of related to the appointment of Deputy Chairman Association. MrChristian Kullmann to chair the Annual General Meeting in accordance with Article 15 (1) of the The Supervisory Board convened four ordinary Articles of Association. meetings during the 2020/2021 financial year (on 7 September 2020, 19 November 2020, 22 All resolutions were adopted in accordance with the February 2021 and 25 May 2021) and one provisions of the Articles of Association and the 41009653-1376911 Anlage 1.4 / 9 9

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