BORUSSIA DORTMUNDGmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien, Dortmund permanent basis as at 1 July 2021. His contract, Borussia Dortmund signed Soumaila Coulibaly, a which was most recently extended until 2022, will 17-year-old centre back from Paris Saint-Germain. be terminated as part of the transfer. At the end of May 2021, Borussia Dortmund signed Jeremy Toljan also spent the past two seasons on goalkeeper Gregor Kobel from Bundesliga rivals VfB loan, plying his trade at Italian Serie A side U.S. Stuttgart ahead of the new season. The 23-year-old Sassuolo. Certain conditions have triggered the signed a contract that runs until 30 June 2026. purchase option in his contract, resulting in a permanent transfer effective 1 July 2021. TV Marketing The call for tenders concerning the centralised Investments in the professional squad marketing strategy for distributing the national and Borussia Dortmund signed three new players in the international TV marketing income for the summer of 2020. Thomas Meunier departed Paris 2021/2022 to 2024/2025 seasons has been Saint-Germain for Borussia Dortmund on a free concluded for the time being. The distribution of transfer. Borussia Dortmund signed Jude the TV marketing income was resolved in Bellingham from Birmingham City and loaned Brazil December 2020. Greater stability and more U23 international Reinier Jesus Carvalho from Real solidarity are the objectives. In light of the decline Madrid until 30 June 2022. in income from national media rights, the consolidation being seen on international markets Felix Passlack returned to Borussia Dortmund and the significant decrease in sales at the club following his loan to Fortuna Sittard. The level due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the objective 22-year-old's contract was set to expire at the end of the future distribution system is primarily to of the season, and in May 2021 it was extended by ensure stability during this period of uncertainty, two years until 2023. while setting the course for the future and promoting solidarity at the same time. This offers In November 2020, Giovanni Reyna signed an early Bundesliga clubs planning certainty during the contract extension until 2025. February saw Marwin current difficult situation. Hitz sign an early contract extension until 2023. Nevertheless, a season without interruptions and Steffen Tigges and Ansgar Knauff, two of Borussia timely payments by partners in line with their Dortmund's talented youngsters, signed their first contracts are essential for ensuring the amount and professional contracts and joined the senior squad. timing of the distribution payouts. 38

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